Tami Mensh Kaleidoscope Lounge & Coaching

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the future of transformative coaching is going wild

Recently, I had the pleasure of being a featured presenter at the Capitol Coaches Conference in the Washington, DC area. The conference theme was Coaching Today, Tomorrow and Beyond. Speakers gave their practiced presentations by power point and from the stage.

But there was one breakout session that was not like the rest...

The chairs in my room were placed in a circle. In the center, was an altar I created with mums, gourds, candles, leaves, acorns and oracle cards. Coaches from everywhere entered the room to music with natural sounds and to the primal beat of a drum.

The session was called Rituals of Rewilding. The energy was different in here. The air contained the palpable feel of the sacred. As a group, we pulled oracle cards, passed a talking stick, experienced a shamanic journey back to meet our ancestors, and had deep shares with people we have never met before. Stringing our pearls of wisdom and intentions together, we closed with howls and hugs.

What the heck does all of this have to do with coaching?


As an ICF certified transformative coach, teacher in a coaching program, and guide of circles and processes of human experiences, I have come to understand that these practices intersect with every coaching core competency and principle in the most organic way.

The circle structure cracks open the heart and holds the entire spectrum of our human emotions, while honoring the cycles and rhythms of life. Here we reach into the transpersonal and untamed realms such as intuition, imagination, metaphor, music and nature for deep wisdom and inner guidance. In this space, we access and expand our capacity for deep knowing, inter-connectedness and belonging.

What I have witnessed is a beautiful unfolding and expression of the wild human soul.

If you are interested in experiencing group spiritual and nature-based coaching for yourself, here are some offerings for you:

❀️‍πŸ”₯ Host your own circle for your group or organization 

❀️‍πŸ”₯ Attend a Wild Woman Moon Circle monthly online 

❀️‍πŸ”₯ Join the Wild Woman Moon Circle Membership 

❀️‍πŸ”₯Or inspire your team with  corporate workshops that awaken the spirit and spark the soul. 

I'd love to hear from you!

Honoring your true nature and wild wisdom,

Tami Mensh
Masters in Transpersonal Psychology
Faculty at Sofia University Coaching and Leadership Program
ICF Certified Transformative Coach
Circle Leader